Exofood has been providing the agro-food industry with vegetables, exotic products and fruits from Asia and Europe since 1999.
Approve and regularly audit our suppliers
- Validate the production site and working methods
- Comprendre la maîtrise des réseaux d’approvisionnements des matières premières
- Monitor best practices
- Address non-conformities, understand their causes, and implement corrective actions
- Secure long-term relationships
Respond quickly to your requests
Adapt logistics and packaging to your industrial practices
Best value for money
Negotiate the best pricing terms
Research and Development
Support your R&D in your development projects
Commit to maintaining the industrial and commercial confidentiality of each party
Approve and regularly audit our suppliers
- Validate the production site and working methods
- Comprendre la maîtrise des réseaux d’approvisionnements des matières premières
- Monitor best practices
- Address non-conformities, understand their causes, and implement corrective actions
- Secure long-term relationships
Respond quickly to your requests
Adapt logistics and packaging to your industrial practices
Best value for money
Negotiate the best pricing terms
Research and Development
Support your R&D in your development projects
Commit to maintaining the industrial and commercial confidentiality of each party